Adult Cats

Video 21 of 36
5 min 30 sec

Caring for Adult Cats: Grooming, Claws, and Outdoor Adventures

Grooming Short-Haired Cats

Easy Maintenance: Short-haired cats like this male Bengal require minimal grooming due to their short coats.

Daily Stroking: Regularly stroking your cat can help keep their coat in good condition.

Contrast with Long-Haired Breeds: In contrast, long-haired Persians need frequent combing to prevent matting.

Grooming Long-Haired Cats

Matting Risk: Long-haired cats are prone to coat matting, requiring diligent grooming.

Daily Commitment: Long-haired breeds may need daily grooming to maintain their fur.

Consider Time: Before choosing a long-haired cat, assess if you have the time for their grooming needs.

Claw Care

Clipping Claws: Cats, even adults, may need their claws clipped. It's essential for indoor cats like ours.

Regular Spot-On Treatments: Besides claw care, ensure your cat receives regular spot-on treatments for their well-being.

Ear Hygiene: Keep your cat's ears clean as part of their overall care routine.

Outdoor Adventures with a Harness

Introduction to Harness: Introduce a harness to your cat when they are kittens, allowing them to get used to it.

Bengals' Love for Harness: Bengals, like this one, can adapt well to harnesses and enjoy outdoor excursions.

Choosing the Right Harness: Select a proper cat harness, ensuring it's secure and comfortable.

Clip Fastenings: Opt for harnesses with clip fastenings, which are easier to secure than buckles.

Training and Patience: Train your cat gradually to harness wear, letting them get accustomed to it indoors.