Why Do Pets Go To The Vets?
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Common Veterinary Issues: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
In veterinary care, animals visit the vets for various reasons, including preventative care, injuries, and illnesses. Each species may exhibit different signs and symptoms.
Cat-Related Issues
Common issues in cats include:
- Cat bite abscesses
- Lumps and swelling
- Foreign bodies (e.g., grass seeds)
- Road traffic accidents leading to fractures or tail injuries
- Ear infections, eye infections, and dental disease
Dog-Related Issues
Common issues in dogs include:
- Wounds, cuts, and tears from outdoor activities
- Foreign body injuries (e.g., stick injuries)
- Road traffic accidents leading to fractures or tail pull injuries
- Ear infections, eye infections, and dental disease
- Gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhoea
General Health Concerns
Other common health issues in both cats and dogs include:
- Urinary problems (e.g., difficulty urinating, blood in urine)
- Fevers and infections
- Hormonal conditions (e.g., weight loss, increased thirst)
These conditions may require prompt veterinary attention and treatment to ensure the well-being of your pet.
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