Types of Worms
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Understanding Internal Worms in Pets
Types of Internal Parasites
Internal parasites, commonly known as worms, encompass various types, including:
- Roundworm: Tubular in shape, resembling coiled spaghetti.
- Tapeworm: Composed of tiny rice-like segments, often attaching to each other to form a long worm.
- Lungworm: Transmitted through larvae in slugs or snails, affecting dogs.
Impact on Pets
- Roundworm and tapeworm reside in the intestines, feeding off the lining and causing symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and weight loss.
- Lungworm, though named for its impact on the lungs, can cause various symptoms including lethargy, weight loss, and diarrhoea.
Prevention and Treatment
Preventive Measures:
Routine parasite treatment, typically administered monthly, helps prevent infestation in pets.
Commonly Affected:
Puppies and kittens are particularly susceptible to tapeworm and roundworm due to maternal transmission.
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