Vaccinations for Cats - Vets Comments

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Vaccination Protocol for Cats

Starting Vaccinations

Recommended Age: Vaccinations typically commence at nine weeks of age for cats and dogs.

Initial Vaccination Process

Procedure: Initial vaccinations consist of a double dose, administered three to four weeks apart for cats.

Annual Vaccinations

Frequency: Subsequent to the initial doses, annual vaccinations are recommended.

Components of Cat Vaccine

Main Components: The cat vaccine covers:

  • Protection against cat flu, including herpesvirus and calicivirus.
  • Defense against enteritis virus.
  • Vaccination against feline leukaemia virus.

Considerations for Leukaemia Vaccine

Indoor Cats: For indoor-only cats, the necessity of the leukaemia vaccine can be discussed with the vet.

Rationale: Leukaemia is transmitted through direct cat-to-cat contact, whereas other viruses can spread through air or fomites.

Chlamydia Vaccine

Consideration: The chlamydia vaccine is optional and should be discussed with the vet based on individual cat requirements.