Neutering Pets

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Neutering Pets: Importance, Considerations, and Post-Operative Care

Importance of Neutering

Prevention of Health Issues: Neutering prevents various health problems in pets, such as uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pyometra in bitches, and testicular tumours, and prostate problems in dogs.

Recommended Age for Neutering: Dogs are typically neutered around six months of age, while cats can be neutered from about five months.

Considerations for Neutering

Timing for Bitches: Consider timing spaying for bitches before or after their first season, weighing the pros and cons with your vet. If spaying post-season, wait at least two to three months after the season ends for safer surgery.

Post-Operative Care: After surgery, pets require careful monitoring for about seven to 10 days, including preventing licking or chewing of wounds and limiting strenuous activity.

Feeding Adjustments: Monitor and adjust your pet's diet after neutering to prevent weight gain, especially in dogs.

Behavioural Considerations

Behavioural Improvement: Neutering may improve behaviour issues in male dogs, but effectiveness decreases with age. Bitches may experience false pregnancies post-season, which can be prevented by neutering.

Use of Buster Collars

Preventing Wound Licking: Pets may wear Buster collars post-neutering to prevent them from licking or scratching their wounds, aiding in proper healing.